Tuesday, May 26, 2009


As of today, I have three of four planned interviews completed, with the fourth scheduled for tomorrow. Katie and I still need to contact the oval preachers and interview them, but with these other interviews out of the way, I'm confident that we'll find time to do that.

The interviews have gone really well so far, with some interesting quotes from all three people I've interviewed. What I'm most worried about is B-roll footage. I don't have as much as I would like at this point. The worship at Jacobs Porch last weekend was not a typical worship service, and so didn't really portray what I am trying to get across as far as what Jacobs Porch is like.

I'm ready to start capturing and editing what I do have.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today Katie and I ironed out some questions to ask students, preachers, and staff members of Campus Crusade and Jacob's Porch. Questions concerned the role they play on the oval, general feelings about their role and if they achieve their goals, and their views on the other people on the oval, whether it's the preachers, students, or staff members.

My main focus will be Jacobs Porch, and I already have some people in mind to interview. The pastor would be more than willing to give an interview, and I know a student who took it upon himself to preach on the oval.

My main concern is getting an interview with the oval preachers themselves. We would like to interview them off the oval, possibly even Hebron, OH where they are from. We have a limited scope of time and I'm not sure how to go about contacting them.

Digressing, Hebron was the most religiously tense city I visited in the Holy Land, and I think it's weird that religious controversy in this part of the world is occurring from a town of the same name.